VENUTRAX / Data Analytics
SaaS Product: CRM Data Analytics
Data Analytics Navigation Side Bar
what is Venutrax, Data Analytics?
VenuTRAX & Data Analytics collects data from users, to maximize venues, and business experiences by providing a consistent experience for your customers when entering games, concerts, graduations, airports, cities, and hospitals. We aid small businesses and big venues to make intuitive and smarter decisions when attempting to make margins and provide innovative experiences for customers.

​​​​​​​Our team keeps enhancing the platform to make the process as easy as it can be. In this project, I collaborated with other team members and departments to create intuitive human-centric experiences for sales, marketing, and operations when doing their daily tasks as simple as it can be.
Project Team
Design, CEO, Product Manager, & Engineering
Duration: 1 Month, June - July 2022
What is the problem?
Central Relationship Management Software is helpful to small and big businesses. However, there is a continuous gap among departments collecting data and making intuitive decisions for their objectives such as projections, revenue, projects, and creating key performance indicators when utilizing Wi-Fi, advertisements, TVs, and sponsorships.
Our software is reliable to many businesses, departments, and owners when managing projects, reports, data, and high-level decisions by utilizing data analysis within VenuTRAX.  The data will be collected with the acknowledgment of the user, either by the services we provide or the forms they fill out. By creating key performance indicators collected on the forms, the venues will be able to make impactful decisions that will benefit both, the customer and the business.
Increase smarter decisions when spending money on IT department.
Increase conversion with contracts by demonstrating data analytics
• Use the Design system to alleviate the amount of time and money to create familiar patterns
What does the product offer that others don't?
The capabilities of collecting data through Wi-fi, POS, and Ads are not something new. Therefore, our Saas product will convert that data into opportunities, KPI's, revenue, and intuitive decisions that will allow your business, and/or venue to be head of the game.
“Managers spend most of their time on other sites, and they prefer your site to work the same way as all the other sites they already know” - UX LAW
Competitive Analysis Research
Our software is reliable to many business departments and owners when managing projects, reports, data, and high-level decisions by utilizing data analysis within VenuTRAX.  The data will be collected with the acknowledgment of the user, either by the services we provide or the forms they fill out. By creating key performance indicators collected on the forms, the venues will be able to make impactful decisions that will benefit both, the customer and the business.
Target Audience
Business owners, Store managers, Operations managers, Marketing managers, CRM.
# Why's
Why would the Venue owner want to use VenuTRAX and Data Analytics?
so the owner can manage their team, communicate, and analyze the key performance indicators collected through the forms.
Why would the manager want to do that?
The owner can create memorable human centric-experiences for clients and at the same time benefit their business by creating revenue.
Why does the manager want to do that?
So the business keeps evolving accordingly to the user’s needs and demand.
Why does the manager need to know that?
So the business can keep adapting and keep making innovative decisions that will keep offering the best experience that venues can offer.
Why would the manager care about that?
The manager fears the business will not be able to adapt and satisfy their needs as technology keeps evolving.
IA Data Analytics
Venue Owner Flow
1 in 5 users will eventually suffer from some sort of disability such as low vision, memory, hearing, cognitive, and aging issues. Therefore, applying flexibility and mental models for managers that may suffer from a disability was crucial for the project.
Low - fidelity sketches
KPI Dashboard
By collecting the date and converting them into valuable key performance indicators as visuals like graphs and measurements, the user is able to gain rapid insight and justify their decisions.
Analytics Dashboard
Table and widgets
Sales is able to filter and obtained data from the data they have previously collected form the client. This allows the sales representative to be more efficient with their time by being able to get specific information when conversing with the client.
Navigation SideBAr
User is now able to able to switch content through the updated navigation side bar by selecting their desired module such as sales, and markerting.
Data Analytics Switch
The switch is only available with the purchase of both, venuTRAX and Data Analytics. This will allow the user to turn off / on the module by just clicking it.
Data Analytics Navigation Side Bar
Venue Profile & Categories
The venue profile is displayed with kpis graphs that have more valuable insights regarding the specific venue/stadium.
Key performance indicators from the usability of their wi-fi is available for the users as dashboard.
IPTVS will be displayed along with more details regarding the locations, duration, and advertisement.
The source of the key performance indicators come from the data collected by the sales representative.
By collecting the date and converting them into valuable key performance indicators as visuals like graphs and measurements, the user is able to gain rapid insight and justify their decisions.
I presented the reports project and received the approval for final development.  Overall, the reports page is now in a progressive enhancement stage and the functionality pattern and accessibility will continue to evolve but the manager's behavior will remain the same.